Marriage Preparation Session


Wedding ringsWhen you book your wedding service to take place at one of our churches you will be invited to attend our Marriage Preparation Session.

This is an informal session which gives you both chance to think about the importance and meaning of the vows you will make in your wedding service. 

It will also give you the opportunity to meet the member of clergy who will conduct your wedding service and check any administrative queries with our Administrator.

Comments from participants of last year's Marriage Preparation session included:

"We found it enjoyable and thought provoking. It certainly made us think about the meaning of the vows."

"We both really enjoyed the evening.  We were talking about it all night." 

"We found today's session very thought provoking and well done - many thanks."

"We really enjoyed having moments to collect our thoughts together over our wedding vows.  We had fun and giggles as well as important moments to reflect and listen to each other on how much we mean to each other.  A fantastic experience!"

 "What a wonderful morning! What great activities! You really have no idea how lovely it has been and such a tonic to feel so positively welcomed! Thank you - we are really looking forward to our wedding now." 

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