Church Membership
ELECTORAL ROLL 2024 * * * CLOSED * * *
A review of the Electoral Roll will take place, before the 2024 Roll is published early in April. This must be done before the Annual Parochial Church Meeting in April 28th 2024.
People who are on the current Roll do not need to re-apply. Their names will be carried forward to 2024.
Anyone not on the 2023 Roll, but wishing to have their name added for 2024, can find an application form by clicking on To join the Electoral Roll, alternatively, you can request a form from the Electoral Roll Officer, Marian Stevens, on 01344 882918 or
On the webpage you will find information about the Parish Giving Scheme, which we are encouraging everyone to join, Gift Aided if appropriate. There are also some ideas and opportunities for becoming more involved in church activities.
We want everyone to feel that they can share in our Christian community to continue and grow the valuable work of the church in this parish.
If you would like any more information on this, or you no longer wish to be included on the Roll, please ring or e-mail Marian Stevens on the above numbers.
What is the Electoral Roll?
The Electoral Roll is a list of people in the parish who are committed members of any of our three congregations.
It is hoped that everyone on the Roll will support the work of the church, not only by attending services, but also by giving some of their time to help in church activities, by making a financial contribution and through their prayers.
There are many ways in which people can become more involved in the church and some of these are listed below. Please speak to the Parish Office, sidespeople or churchwardens if you would like to know more about these opportunities.
In line with Church of England requirements, the Electoral Roll is completely renewed every six years, when everyone on the Roll must re-apply. The last time this was done was in 2019 and the next will be in 2025. Each year in between, a review of the Roll is carried out and new names added. The revised Roll is then published and displayed in our churches before the Annual Parochial Church Meeting, which is usually held in April.
To join the Electoral Roll - please print, complete and return this PDF to;
Marian Stevens
Church Office
c/o St Martin's Church
Church Road
Chavey Down
If you would like to know more about the Electoral Roll please email the Electoral Roll Officer, Marian Stevens at or contact the Church Office
Donate: Parish Giving Scheme Form
Opportunities for becoming involved and taking part in church activities;
Volunteers always welcome –
Welcome to church and handing out hymn and prayer books
Sidespeople at services
Servers assisting clergy
Join a tea & coffee rota
Add your flourish, join the flower rota
Cleaning rotas
Maintenance help in church buildings and churchyards
Children’s activities
Choirs and music activities
Bell ringers and hand bells (St Mary's)
Bible study and social groups
Visiting the housebound
Transport assistance
Special events
-------- to name but a few !!
Whatever your talents (or lack of them!) or whatever your interests there is something for all, you could do this once a month, bimonthly, quarterly, semi-annually or more frequently if you prefer.
Please contact the Church Office
To leave us feedback about this, or any of our other pages
please email, or visit our Feedback page, we value your input