Friends of St Mary's Winkfield

St Mary's Church is at the centre of our community

Welcome to the Friends of St Mary's Winkfield, a charity set up to raise money for the conservation, embellishment and maintenance of fabric and facilities of the medieval church of St Mary's in Winkfield, East Berkshire, south of Windsor.

St Mary's Church is at the centre of our community, and the Friends of St Mary's Winkfield (FOSMW) is a fund-raising organisation dedicated to preserving St Mary's church’s active role in the community.  In so doing, it not only gives direct financial help to the PCC, which is responsible for the fabric of the church, but it also upholds a major factor in the Parish's mission to our local community.

Please help by becoming a Friend of St Mary's Winkfield . GiftAid is valid for Membership subscriptions and gives us 25% more so please consider  sending us your Gift Aid application when you join
or simply make a card donation (ticking the GiftAid box if you can)


The Church of St Mary has been a focal point in Winkfield for over 700 years - this wonderful building is a piece of English history. It is a place of peace and all are welcome. Our aim is to preserve it in the best possible condition for the practical use of generations to come.

At any one time the Friends  will have a special project that is the main focus of current fund-raising. At the present time, this project is for the restoration of the aging electrical system to current standards, and we are reviewing quotations, which will probably amount to about £30,000 or more. The Friends’ current funds, helped by a grant from the Mercers’ Company of the City of London, should be able to cover about two thirds of the total needed, but this still leaves a large sum to be raised.

A few years ago, we helped raise the money needed for the restoration of St Mary’s organ, which dates back to 1820, by a special and very successful ‘Sponsor a Pipe’ appeal. All 744 pipes were sponsored, raising about £8500. 

You can see more about the organ at

You can donate online simply for Friends’ projects by clicking on the teal-coloured CAFDonate button near the top of each page, and there is another link at the bottom of each such page. Both of these will take you to the CAFDonate website, which will process your kind gift. Thank you!!

From time to time, the Friends organise community fund-raising events. Do support these - they are well-documented on this website. To make this easier we are able to take secure card-payment – look out for the corresponding button on each Friends’ web page.

Contact us by email at  'INFO' (
CAFDonate to Friends' Friends' general fund

Link page to the Friends of St Mary's website below:

Particularly look out for details of fund-raising  events, and particularly our popular

Music and Merriment Christmas Concert in December


(Charity No. 1162342)

Treasurer: Anthony Hodson  Tel: 01344 483347
Chairman: Mrs Lesley Philpot  Tel: 01344 427561


To leave us feedback about this, or any of our other pages
please email, or visit our Feedback page, we value your input
