St Mary’s Church, Winkfield

Please CLICK HERE for the latest Winkfield, Cranbourne & Chavey Down service information

St Mary's church provides an opportunity for people of all ages to worship in a traditional and friendly atmosphere. 

We use the 1662 Book of Common Prayer at our Morning Prayer and Communion services and take our readings from the King James Bible.

The ancient church building has stood on its present site in the heart of Winkfield for at least 700 years. It is famous for its unusual oak pillars along the centre of the aisle, one given to the Church by Elizabeth 1st.  

Much more information about this church can be found on the Friends of St Mary's Winkfield website using the [history], [Interesting facts] and [St Mary’s Organ] buttons 

Usual Monthly Service Pattern
(unless otherwise specified in the weekly notice sheet or on the parish magazine)

  1st Week



 Family Communion
 Holy Baptisms


2nd Week



 Said Holy Communion
 Family Matins

3rd Week 


 Family Praise
 Holy Communion


 4th Week


 Said Holy Communion
 Crafty Church
 Choral Matins


  5th Week


 Crafty Choral Matins


Family Communion

10am on First Sundays in the month

This Family Communion service is a shortened Book of Common Prayer Communion Service.  The children take the elements to the altar during the service and the Crucifer will be a youngster.



Said Holy Communion   

8am on Second and Fourth Sundays in the month

A wonderful start to the day



Family Matins

10am on Second Sundays in the month

A shortened Book of Common Prayer Morning Prayer service where the sermon is replaced by a short play telling the theme of the day.  The children are the actors in the play. The children frequently play an instrument during the service.


Family Praise

9.30am on Third Sundays in the month

This service is displayed on screen.  The story is usually told by the Service Leader with readings, prayers and related poems performed by the children.


Holy Communion  

11am on Third Sundays in the month

A traditional Book of Common Prayer Holy Communion Service with choir.


Crafty Church

9.30am on Fourth Sundays in the month

A service devised at the end of Covid-19 to replace Messy Church.  On entrance each family collects an activity bag for each of their children and sit together as a family.

The service is displayed on screen.  The story is usually told by the Service Leader with readings and prayers performed by the children.  The Crafty Church team will have provided a “Craft” that follows the story.  Once the story has been told the children open their activity bags and follow the instructions to make or draw whatever has been requested.



Choral Matins

11am on Fourth Sundays in the month

A traditional Book of Common Prayer Morning Prayer Service.


Crafty Choral Matins

10am on Fifth Sundays in the month

A relatively new service joining together another Family Praise service and another Morning Prayer service usually following on from the theme of the  previous week’s Crafty Church.



St Mary PA drawing

St Mary's Church
Church Road

Google map 

St Mary's Church is open daily from 8am until 5pm for private prayer

A Church Near You Winkfield, St Mary's

Handbell Ringers

Tower Bell Ringers

Choirs; Junior & Adult 

Women's Guild

facebook St Mary's  St Mary's Facebook

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